Christopher Tamburro

Christopher Tamburro

   228 Willow Ridge, New Holland, PA, 17557

Chris Tamburro is a multi-talented circus artist and teacher. He practices juggling, fire eating, hooping, and his main discipline the Maori art of poi spinning. Poi spinning began as a hobby for him but led to joining Spark Circus in 2016 and 2017. He toured throughout Thailand teaching circus arts to Burmese refugees, orphans, and at-risk youth. In 2020, he began extensively studying and refining his juggling skills amidst the pandemic. Chris uses circus arts as a way to teach his students social and emotional skills while cultivating their self-confidence. As a teacher he looks to inspire students to believe in themselves as they learn an impressive new skill or rediscover the act of play. The circus can be a tool to teach all of us about ourselves, our ways of learning, and life.